
We investigate

and design for

regenerative futures.

We are a research-based design studio investigating the social, ecological and political forces that shape the world. We uncover, design for, and translate these concerns through our work in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and exhibition. Our approach is grounded in the logic of living systems—biotic and abiotic—and engaging with stakeholders,

enterprises and organisations committed to advancing the work of regenerative design. We do this through research, practice and teaching. Since our founding in 2020, our work has been exhibited at international exhibitions including La Biennale Architettura 2023; and presented at universities across Ireland and the UK.

Our theoretical approach engages systems thinking to understand where we are, how we got here, and where to design to next? This means being capacious in the inclusion of relevant design factors, and careful about where we draw boundaries. We adopt Herbert Simon’s definition of design as devising “courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones,’ * and believe this to be a productive approach to addressing the ecological and climate box we find ourselves in.

Our methodology draws on the tools of geospatial analysis, aerial imagery, anthropological fieldwork, regenerative design, and the core competencies of landscape architecture and architecture. In collaboration with community stakeholders and other disciplinary groups, we believe these methods position us to identify the most desirable courses of action for a regenerative future. Our ongoing investigations address indigenous land management practices, global food landscapes, and intercommunal conflict at the frontier of climate migration.

*Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969), 130.